can rabbits eat sweet potatoes

Can Rabbits Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are a food that originates from eastern parts of India, and they are a part of the Nightshade family. The sweet food is often eaten as a snack by most of us. But is it safe for your rabbits too?

While sweet potatoes are enjoyed by people worldwide, you may be wondering if rabbits can enjoy them as well. Since potatoes seem to match a vegetarian diet that your bunny may follow, it does not necessarily mean that it’s a perfect choice for them.

Sweet potatoes aren’t a good choice for your bunnies. The reason is that it is loaded with carbohydrates and starch, which can have adverse impacts on them. They are unable to digest such a sugar-rich feed. Rabbit’s diet should have fiber-rich content.

If you are introducing sweet potatoes to your rabbit, you need to read this information first: While sweet potatoes aren’t very toxic for your bunnies, they also aren’t as good as other food choices.

Can a rabbit eat sweet potatoes?

When you give your rabbit a new type of food, it’s very important to be cautious. Sweet potatoes are good for rabbits, so you might wonder. In general, they eat vegetarian feeds because they are herbivores. Then, you should think twice before giving them sweet potatoes.

Clearly, sweet potatoes are not suitable for rabbits, although they are not poisonous and will not cause much harm to your rabbits.

They can, however, indirectly affect their health. It is recommended to avoid foods that are of no use to them.

rabbits and sweet potato

Likewise, sweet potatoes do not have any valuable nutrients in them and are mainly rich in sugar, and your rabbit doesn’t need them. However, if you wish to offer them as a treat, give them a few chunks.

Why are sweet potatoes bad for rabbits?

Rabbits require low-calorie foods like hay or leafy greens. Sweet potatoes mainly comprise sugar and starch, which rabbits’ bodies don’t need.

The high quantity of sugar and starch found in sweet potatoes drives up the calorie count well out of a rabbit’s natural dietary range. It can upset their stomachs as well.

As mentioned above, sweet potatoes aren’t ideal for your rabbits, as they can create serious digestive issues. Your rabbit may fall ill and start refusing to eat even their normal diet. This can make them ill and lead to obesity and probably diabetes.

Also Read - Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli? What are the benefits and nutritional value of Broccoli for your Bunnies.

Drawbacks of feeding sweet potatoes to your rabbits:

Gastrointestinal stasis

One of the most common causes of gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits is a diet too high in carbohydrates and fat. They need fiber-rich content in their diet. While sweet potatoes typically contain a high amount of sugar and starch, this can seriously affect their digestion.

If you suspect that your rabbit is suffering from GI stasis, get them treated as soon as possible because GI stasis leads to organ failure and death.


For your sweet little bunnies, diarrhea is another grave danger. High in starch are potatoes, and rabbits can’t handle large amounts of it due to their digestive system. There’s also no fiber which makes digestion difficult.

If a rabbit has loose stool or any change in behavior it may be an indication that they have developed diarrhea. So it is recommended to provide them with other nutritional feeds like hay and lots of water.

Uneaten Caecotrophs

Uneaten caecotrophs are caused by less intake of fiber-rich feeds or by taking an excessive amount of a particular diet, like sweet potatoes. Avoid feeding this kind of diet to your bunny regularly. It can be fine if you offer them as a supplement.


Overfeeding starchy foods to your rabbits can lead to obesity. The daily requirement of starch that a rabbit should eat can be less than 140 grams.

While the limit for starch is 140 grams, then also it’s a bad idea to feed any amount of starch to your rabbits because they are unable to digest it. Obesity can bring many other threats along with it. So, avoid feeding starchy foods to your rabbits.

How much sweet potato can a rabbit eat?

Though sweet potatoes are not recommended for rabbits, sometimes they can be offered as an occasional treat. The reason is that it’s not actually directly toxic and cannot harm your bunny if given in a relatively small quantity.

The nutrients found in sweet potatoes (starch and carbohydrates) are of no use to rabbits. Hence, you do not need to feed them in abundance. A few slices are sufficient for their feed.

sweet potato for rabbits

Why can’t rabbits eat potatoes?

Potatoes are something that is ideal for humans. On the other hand, rabbits do not necessarily need it. The carbohydrate and starch found in potatoes can upset their digestion and create serious issues for them.

Therefore, rabbits can’t eat potatoes. However, a small amount can be offered to them as an occasional treat.

Can rabbits eat sweet potato skin?

Foods that are loaded with fiber are a good choice for rabbits. Sweet potato skin doesn’t have any such essential nutrients.

The peels of sweet potatoes are not considered a very good choice for your rabbit and are better avoided. However, it doesn’t really have any other side effects, but why offer them things that are of no use? You can offer them other nutritional feeds.

Alternatives of Sweet Potatoes

There are lots of vegetables that can be a very good alternative to sweet potatoes. Here are some other vegetables besides sweet potatoes:

Carrots: Many pet bunnies love carrots because they are good for them. And they are – full of Vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals so you just need to give it in moderation as part of their overall diet plan.

Bell Peppers: Bell peppers come in various colours such as green, red or yellow and they happen to contain a lot of vitamin C which is essential for the rabbit’s health too.

Broccoli: Broccoli is another good veggie for rabbits but it should be given sparingly because of its high fibre content. Apart from being fibrous, broccoli contains various vitamins and minerals too making them great additions to any bunny’s menu.

Celery: Celery has a crunchy texture which makes it perfect for snacking on by bunnies; moreover, being a low-calorie food with lots of water in it can help keep rabbits hydrated. Check Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

Zucchini: This vegetable has not much taste hence pets can eat zucchini either raw or cooked. It is low in calories but still gives them important nutrients required for their health

Cucumbers: Often rabbits use this juicy treat. Rabbits should stay hydrated so that cucumbers can do it since they have high water content and few calories.

Parsley: Rabbits can eat this herb moderately. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C which makes it a good addition to their menu as well.

Spinach: Also rabbits can eat this leafy green vegetable moderately. They have a high iron content and other necessary vitamins for the rabbit body and thus must be included in their wide range of foods.

Lettuce: The green leafy vegetable known as lettuce should be fed to rabbits in limited quantities. Rabbits can use it for hydration because of its low caloric content.

These few things are merely examples of vegetables that are friendly to rabbits and which you can give instead of sweet potatoes. Always add new food to your bunny’s diet bit by bit and watch out for any bad reactions. Moreover, make sure that the vegetables you give to your rabbit are fresh, safe, and clean from pesticides.


Can rabbits eat sweet potatoes raw?

There are certain plants that can be toxic and cause serious illness if consumed raw. But, fortunately, sweet potatoes are safe for eating, whether they are raw or processed.

Just make sure that your rabbit does not consume it in large amounts at once. Raw sweet potatoes are perfectly fine for rabbits.

Can rabbits eat sweet potato vines?

Yes, sweet potato vines are safe for your rabbits. It is rich in fiber and protein, making it the best alternative for your bunnies.

Is sweet feed okay for rabbits?

Sweet feeds can be okay for your rabbits if given in smaller quantities. However, commercially processed sweet dishes are not suitable for them.

Are sweet potatoes good for rabbits?

No, sweet potatoes aren’t much good for your bunnies. Sweet potatoes do not contain any valuable nutrients and are rich in sugar and starch, which are not suitable for rabbits.

Rabbits have delicate stomachs, and they can’t digest such a sugar-rich feed. So, it’s better if you do not add sweet potatoes to their diet.


If you’re thinking of adding sweet potatoes to your bunnies diet list, don’t. Sweet potatoes are rich in starch and sugar, which can weaken their digestive system.

The leaves and veins are fine for rabbits, and indeed, they can help add nutritional value, so it is probably a better alternative.

You should still offer them within limits. Sweet potatoes are not toxic for bunnies, but they are neither beneficial nor harmful for them. You can have other better options like carrots, pellets, and other greens.

However, if your rabbit is running towards a sweet potato, a few pieces can be offered to them. Be sure to wash it thoroughly, making it a safer treat for your bunny to enjoy. If your rabbit has eaten a few chunks of it, there is no need to worry.


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