can rabbits eat spinach

Can rabbits eat spinach?

Rabbits are gregarious eaters, and they enjoy munching some fine snacks with us. But the question is whether rabbits can eat spinach or not? We cannot feed rabbits everything that we ourselves eat.

Rabbits learn what their mates and them should eat to stay healthy and safe in the wilderness. But these things change when we take them as pets to our houses.

Thus we must make sure that what they consume is safe for them and avoid what isn’t! The question then arises “can rabbits eat spinach?”

The simplest answer to this question “Can bunnies eat spinach” is yes! Rabbits may have spinach but only in a limited amount. Well-rinsed fresh spinach can be an occasional treat for these small animals.

Spinach provides the required amount of minerals like potassium, vitamins, and iron. You should avoid giving them spinach on a regular basis, as it can cause health issues over time due to the high levels of oxalates and goitrogens.

Young rabbits were unable to digest any amount of spinach, as their digestive systems are somewhat sensitive and become stronger over time. On the other hand, old rabbits can easily eat a small handful once a week.

Do rabbits eat spinach (Including roots) – Safe or toxic?

Spinach is an edible and nutritious veggie that is produced by a particular herbaceous species. They are often good pet options, but only as an occasional treat. Rabbits love the taste of spinach as well!

The only caution you need to remember when feeding spinach to your little bunnies is to give it to them a few times a week (not more than twice) and in a moderate amount. Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is genuinely a good option for promoting your rabbit’s immune system.

spinach for rabbits

Spinach contains naturally occurring food toxins (organic acids) that can cause serious problems like urinary tract infections in rabbits. The rabbits are prone to these allergies and symptoms as they have weak digestion. When eaten in excess, it can also cause skin and mouth itchiness in rabbits.

So, if only a small amount of spinach is offered to your loved bunnies, it can still be beneficial for their health. Just remember not to overdo it! And most importantly, feed them infrequently with these greens, especially spinach and kale.

NOTE – Find whether a Rabbit can eat watermelon and its seeds or not. Learn about the types of watermelon to feed your bunnies with and more info relate to rabbits and watermelon.

Rabbits are herbivores and tend to eat various parts of a plant, from leaves to roots, tender leaves, and flowers. So, rabbits can eat the roots, leaves, stalks, and stems of spinach. Spinach brings good health to rabbits (when given in small quantities).

Can bunnies have spinach?

It’s being recommended by experts: avoid giving your rabbits (bunnies, in particular) kale or spinach. These leafy vegetables can cause health problems due to their high levels of oxalates and goitrogens.

However, spinach is fine as an occasional treat and in a very small quantity, but avoid feeding frequently, as this may cause serious health issues for bunnies.

How much spinach can you feed your rabbits?

The determination of how much spinach you can offer your rabbits should be based on their size, weight, and age.

  • For smaller rabbits, a few leaves (one or two) are enough for one day.
  • For giant rabbits, you can serve 1/2 cup of spinach leaves.

There are some nutritionally recommended ways to offer your rabbit spinach. Here are some basic tips you can follow when feeding spinach to rabbits:

Give fresh spinach

Fresh spinach can have more nutrients in it as compared to stale ones. Long storage strips them of the required benefits. So, it’s advisable that you always offer them fresh items.

Always feed them raw spinach.

Rabbits mostly prefer uncooked vegetables. Therefore, it would be better if you feed your rabbits raw spinach. Besides, raw spinach contains fully loaded vitamins and other essential nutrients.

how much spinach do rabbits can eat

Cooked spinach may contain some elements that are not good for rabbits’ tummies and exclude essential nutrients from them. However, if you would like them to have a little nibble on some spinach leaves as a treat, make sure to offer them in small quantities.

Choose organic spinach

Most spinach found in markets contains a high amount of pesticides that may have harmful effects on rabbits. So, always try to avoid feeding them poor-quality veggies and practice organic farming. Also, wash it under cold running water to remove pathogens and other contaminants.

NOTE – Check do rabbits eat strawberry plants. Find the various nutritional benefits of strawberry if you feed your rabbit with.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the maximum quantity of spinach that a rabbit can take?

Considering its high level of oxalates and goitrogens which may cause stomach upsets in rabbits over time, offering them spinach once in a while is the best alternative.

What greens can rabbits eat?

Leafy green vegetables like romaine, basil, watercress, kohlrabi, and carrots are some of the particularly good greens that you can give to your bunnies.

Is it okay if a bunny eats spinach daily?

Spinach is good for rabbits when given in small quantities. It contains many vitamins in small quantities. Vitamins A, B9, and K1 are present in Spinach. It also offers vitamins like A, B9, and K1. However, it should not be given every day because it has more oxalic acid content and this might be harmful for the pets. Therefore, feed them occasionally.

Can spinach kill a rabbit?

Yes, it is extremely harmful for your rabbits if they consume too much spinach at a time because of the high amount of oxalic acid. These substances can create gastric issues and often lead to liver failure in sensitive pets, like rabbits.

So if your question is can spinach kill a rabbit then yes, an overdose of spinach harm rabbit and sometimes it leads to their death as well. 

Can rabbits eat spinach seeds?

Spinach seeds aren’t toxic to rabbits’ health. However, these are high in fat, which can lead to obesity and other health problems in rabbits. You can offer them a very small amount of spinach seeds if they love it!

Can rabbits eat spinach stems?

The spinach stem is high in fiber as compared to the leaves and other parts. So, it’s safe for them and nutritious too. Even the stalks and stem parts are considered the most fun parts for rabbits to eat.

Can rabbits eat spinach and spring mix?

Numerous plants are safe and tastier for your rabbits to eat. It’s up to you, whether you get them from your farm or a supermarket. Good choices include herb mix, spring mix, carrots and beets, dandelion greens, and many others. If you have an apple or hazel tree, then your small bunnies are going to love it!

Can rabbits eat spinach? Yes or no?

Yes, rabbits can eat spinach. The condition is that rabbits should be fed spinach in moderation. And it’s best to feed them no more than twice per week. It should be part of a balanced diet with a variety of greens.


Rabbits get bored when consuming the same food, so variation in diets is essential to keeping them interested. Spinach is found in different forms, such as fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, etc. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, which can protect people from various diseases and illnesses.

However, overconsumption of spinach can cause serious health problems in rabbits, that’s why many people advise against offering them spinach. It contains a high amount of oxalates and goitrogens, which are really harmful to them. But you can feed them in moderation. Washed, fresh, and raw spinach is a safe, occasional treat for your rabbits.


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