tomatoes for rabbits

Can rabbits eat tomatoes?

While I was visiting a local farmer’s market nearby, I found a stall selling fresh tomatoes.

I wasn’t sure what tomato’s benefits were, so I quickly opened Google on my phone before purchasing tomatoes from the stall.

After finding out amazing facts about tomatoes, I was convinced and decided to figure out if tomatoes were safe for my rabbits.

Let’s find out: Can rabbits eat tomatoes?

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes

Yes! Rabbits can eat tomatoes. In fact, tomatoes could be the best thing you ever give to your furry friend in small quantities; they will absolutely relish it. But you should also know that tomatoes are a little poisonous, especially their stems and seeds. Therefore, you may want to take off the parts that are not good for them before feeding.

Preferably, choose organic vegetables and fruits for your pets. As well as rabbits; other animals also enjoy naturally grown foods because they greatly contribute to their overall health.

Ensure that you wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly to eliminate chemicals, pesticides or dirt before giving them to the bunnies.

In this article, we shall delve into more details about the benefits of tomatoes on rabbit health alongside some demerits of feeding these pets with such a diet among others.

Let us get down to facts and establish the pros of having pet rabbits eat tomatoes.

See other information about Rabbit and Bunnies here.

Are tomatoes good for rabbits?

Just like human beings; vitamins minerals etcetera all form part of what is necessary for a rabbit’s nutrition. Although rabbits hardly think about being immune or healthy but it would still help if they had better diets containing more nutrients in terms of minerals and vitamins too.

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and folate. It is okay to feed your rabbits tomatoes but in moderation. Tomatoes make the best occasional treat for your rabbits, but they are not a part of their main diet. Tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants and can therefore be beneficial for your rabbits. You just need to watch their quantities, as too much intake of tomatoes is somewhat toxic to them.

Rabbits will get major benefits from eating tomatoes. They do like a healthy mix of foods, and it helps to keep them engaged in their diet and healthy too. If you’re introducing tomatoes for the first time to your rabbits, go slowly. However, feeding them tomatoes in moderation promotes eyesight, bone development, body repair, and growth.

Pros of feeding tomatoes to rabbits

  • Tomatoes fulfill the requirement for water content in a rabbit’s body. Tomatoes contain almost 95% water, which keeps them hydrated throughout the day.
  • It is a great source of vitamins A, C, and B6.
  • Reduce obesity
  • Prevents hypokalaemia, which is caused by low potassium levels in the blood.
  • Helps with digestion as it is a good source of fiber.
  • Prevents cell damage and promotes immunity.

tomatoes and rabbits

 Cons of tomatoes on rabbit’s health:

  • Tomatoes are high in sugar, which is bad for rabbits. It can upset their stomach and cause diarrhea too.
  • It causes obesity, dental issues, and diabetes in rabbits due to its high sugar content.
  • The green parts of tomatoes, like leaves, stems, etc., are poisonous to rabbits. It can manifest as bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea in bunnies.
  • If they consume too many tomatoes at a time, it may cause malnutrition in them as they don’t take hay and grasses, which are the most essential parts of their diet.
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How should you serve tomato?

Remove the stalks, leaves, and other greenery from the tomato. Wash it thoroughly in running water to remove dirt, pesticides, and chemicals. Ensure that there will not be any green parts left on it.

Then, consider how big your tomatoes are and how many treats your rabbits need a day. Even if they had other treats, they should only be given a small piece of tomato. The overall quantity consumed by bunnies should be assessed.

In case you have got a medium-sized tomato – cut it into thin slices and place them in the rabbit’s food bowl. Depending on their size you may offer tomatoes to your rabbits.

Don’t forget to remove the seeds from the tomatoes; leave only the red portions. The seeds could be toxic and upset the rabbit’s stomach. They are safe for us, but not for rabbits.

Can bunnies have tomatoes?

Baby rabbits or bunnies have a comparatively more sensitive gastrointestinal system than adult rabbits.

You should wait until they are 2-3 months old before giving them any new fruits or vegetables. If you decide to introduce these juicy snacks into their diet, do it slowly. Watch out for the signs for at least a day after you give them the food – if there will be any changes in behavior or health.

Keep in mind that the stomach of a young rabbit (or any other age) can be quite sensitive so don’t rush with new products.

After you notice that everything is alright go ahead and serve them another meal.

Can rabbits eat cherry tomatoes?

Indeed we have answered whether or not rabbits can consume tomatoes. But what about cherry tomatoes? Are there any exceptions for cherry tomatoes?

Yes! Bunnies can eat cherry tomatoes. They are not poisonous to rabbits if given in moderation. The guidelines for giving them cherry tomatoes are somewhat similar with the regular ones that we have discussed until now!

  • Offer fresh tomatoes to your bunnies.
  • There should be no sugar added.
  • Take off the green parts from tomatoes such as stocks and leaves.
  • Give them to baby bunnies as a treat once in a while, not as their everyday diet.

What part of the tomato plant is poisonous to rabbits?

The parts of the tomato plant that should be avoided and are poisonous to rabbits include:

Leaves, flowers, stalks, seeds, green fruits, and stalks.

rabbit eat tomatoes

Can rabbits eat tomato leaves?

No, rabbits should not eat tomato leaves. The leaves or any green parts are toxic to rabbits’ health. Carefully remove the leaves before feeding them tomatoes.

Some wild rabbits may eat tomato leaves, but it is not recommended that you add these to their diet. Tomato leaves contain a toxic chemical called tomatine, which is very harmful to rabbits. It makes rabbits weak and frail.

It’s common to see rabbits munching on tomato leaves, stems, and other parts. But the green parts of tomatoes are not good for them. It causes digestive distress like diarrhea, bloating, and other issues.

If your rabbit does ingest leaves or seeds and there are any changes in behavior, immediately consult the veterinarian.

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Is it okay for bunnies to eat tomato leaves and stems?

No, rabbits should not ingest tomato leaves or stems since they contain solanine which is toxic when taken in large doses by them.

Are cherry tomatoes safe for rabbits?

Yes, cherries are okay for consumption by bunnies but in moderation; however, just like with other types of tomatoes, ensure that their stalks and leaves are removed before giving them to your pet rabbit.

Do rabbits eat tomato seeds?

While it is generally safe for them to have a few seeds, you should remove most of the seeds from the fruit so as not to risk choking.

What type of tomatoes can rabbits eat?

Any juicy red tomato is fine for bunnies to eat. It is best not to feed them green or unripe ones because these have higher acid content that could irritate their stomachs.


In general, tomatoes are perfectly fine for rabbits’ nutritional diet and as an occasional treat. A small, seedless flesh part is okay to be fed. Tomatoes have many health benefits as well as negative sides. Be careful of what quantity and at what interval you are offering tomatoes to them.

If you are feeding a lot of other veggies to your rabbits, tomatoes need to be in very small quantities. Otherwise, they’ll suffer from serious health issues. Many times, we assume that our pets can have something that they really can’t have, and this type of mentality must be avoided. However, tomatoes are a safe and healthy option, but only in moderation.


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