can rabbits eat apple

Can Rabbits Eat Apple?

It is said that ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Though this wisdom is applied to human beings, you might wonder if the same can be true for your rabbits. Can rabbits eat apples? Is it safe for them to eat apples?

The quick answer to this question is Yesrabbits can eat apples. But it doesn’t mean that you pluck an apple from a tree and feed them a whole apple. It’s your responsibility as the owner to ensure that your little bunnies have a safe diet and are prepared properly to be fed.

Luckily, only for you, we’ll share each and every essential thing you need to know about rabbits and apples. We’ve tried to cover everything, from seeds to leaves, and discussed in detail what you need to remember to keep your rabbits in good and safe conditions.

Do Rabbits Eat Apples?

Rabbits are always eager to eat anything they find colorful, and they also search for a nutritious source of food. What’s more interesting for them than an apple? Rabbits love to eat apples. Everyone knows the health benefits of apples for humans, and it is almost the same in the case of rabbits too.

Rabbits need fiber and dietary supplements, which cannot be obtained from a common diet. Hence, the owner always tries to give them all the essential nutrients with different healthy and hearty treats. Dried and fresh grass, or hay, is the major source of nutrition for rabbits. But like us, they also want a little change in diet.

Rabbits love veggies and fruits. There are no harmful effects from feeding them their favorite treats, like apples. An apple is a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and proteins. It is an affordable fruit that is easily available in nearby markets.

Note – Also check here can bunnies eat spinach and what are the benefits of feeding your Rabbit’s with Spinach.

Veterinarians, too, agree with the fact that apples are a safe diet for rabbits. All varieties of apples Honey Crisp, Gala, and Red Delicious—are some of the varieties you’re most likely to find in your area, and every variety is safe for your little rabbits.

Things to consider while feeding your rabbits an apple

Whenever you introduce any new food to your pets, start by introducing one food at a time. This way, you can find and balance how their system reacts to any changes in their habits. For example, does your rabbit feel lethargic, or do they start vomiting and bloating?

If you find these symptoms then stop feeding your rabbit and take it to the vet and they will suggest the right way to introduce food to the rabbit.

Can rabbits eat apples every day?

Apple is rich in sugar, which means too much consumption can affect a rabbit’s weight, teeth, and digestion. That’s the reason why apples should remain a treat and not a daily diet. So, if you’re offering apples to your rabbits, consider the amount you are giving.

You should offer 1 or 2 slices of apples to your rabbits per week, not more than that. However, apples contain flavonoids, fiber, and antioxidants, which are good for their healthy growth, but they may also cause obesity and dental infections in rabbits if consumed more.

apple for rabbits

A small quantity of apples is always considered safe and nutritious for bunnies’ health. But it should not be part of their daily diet. Apple’s stem, seeds, or core are toxic and cannot be eaten by rabbits as they contain poisonous compounds like cyanogenic glycosides, which can be harmful to them.

Note: Learn More About Rabbits here

Key takeaways:

  • The recommended amount of apples you can feed your rabbits is one to two slices per week.
  • Apple seed stems, or core are poisonous to rabbits. So, kindly remove the seeds before giving them.
  • Apple skin is the most nutritious part for rabbits.
  • Wash the apples in running water to remove the pesticides and dirt, and then feed the healthy and tasty treat to your sweet bunnies.

rabbits eat apple

Can rabbits eat apples’ seeds, skin, pips, and leaves?

Rabbits enjoy fun treats, carrots, and apples in particular. Apples are known for having numerous health benefits. However, you may wonder if apples’ seeds, stems, or leaves are healthier for them or not.

Rabbits can eat apple skin, but only in moderation. The ideal quantity is already mentioned above, i.e., 1 or 2 slices per week. Apples are also rich in sugar, flavonoids, fiber, and antioxidants. Too much consumption is having ill effects too.

Apples are a delicious treat for them. But always remember to remove the seeds from the apples. Also, stems, pips and cores are high in toxic compounds, which are harmful to their delicate stomachs. Although apple tree leaves, twigs, and branches are safe for rabbits.

Note – Here you can check can rabbits eat grapes and what are the nutritional benefits of grapes if you feed your bunnies. What are the consequences of overfeeding your Rabbits with grapes.

Benefits of apples to rabbits

Apples prevent hypokalaemia

Apples lower the effects of hypokalaemia, which occurs due to a deficiency of potassium in rabbits. Apples overcome the need for potassium deficiency in rabbits. So, a few slices of apples a week are beneficial for them.

It protects rabbits from muscle weakness, paralysis effects, and respiratory diseases.

Keeps the body hydrated

Apples make a fine and refreshing treat for your rabbits, with an 87% water content.

Higher temperatures keep them stressed, and an apple as a treat helps keep their body cool.

Lower the risk of diabetes

Compounds found in apples, like phytochemicals, help boost the immune system. Also, protect the cells and DNA from being damaged. Diabetes mellitus is rare in rabbits; however, due to some conditions, if insulin amounts are insufficient in their bodies, apples cure this.

Essential for body clotting

Supplements are required by rabbits, especially pregnant ones. The Vitamin K content found in apples is good for them, and it may prevent prolonged bleeding from a minor injury.

Promotes fur growth

Rabbits are attractive and beautiful creatures; their soft fur adds to their cuteness. Giving apples to your bunnies helps their fur grow. The copper content in apples promotes collagen formation.


Can rabbits have apples?

Yes, apples are safe for rabbits most of the time. Just ensure that you remove the seeds and core since they contain cyanide which is dangerous for bunnies.

Is apple peel edible by rabbits?

Yes, but wash the apple thoroughly to get rid of any traces of pesticide before giving it to your rabbit.

Are dried apples okay for rabbits?

Dried apples should rarely be given to bunnies due to their high sugar levels which might upset their digestive systems.

Can rabbits eat cooked apples?

It’s better if you feed them raw instead of cooked because cooking alters an apple’s nutritional value and may not be as good for them as it is thought to be.

Will apples give my rabbit digestive problems?

Generally speaking yes however too much or too often can cause stomach upsets such as diarrhea in rabbits so watch out for new foods always.

Closing words

Apples are super beneficial for rabbits and other pets. They not only provide essential nutrients to rabbits but also fill their tummies! If you are on a low budget yet want your rabbits to live a healthy life and get them nutritious treats sometimes, apples are a good option. Apple skin is the most nutritious part of an apple. You can feed them 1 or 2 slices per week. Apples are great dietary supplements for sweet bunnies.


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