can rabbit eat banana

Can Rabbits Eat Bananas?

Rabbits are popularly preferred as pets due to their furry faces and cute whiskers. We all wanted to give our pets a well-balanced diet so that they got all kinds of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins for their proper growth, just like us.

We often become too enamored with our pets to the point that we inadvertently cause them harm. For example, we tend to think of everything we eat as suitable for the consumption of our pets as well; thus we give it to them. But we should know better and be more careful about what they eat.

Amongst all the queries regarding food; “Can rabbits eat bananas?” is one frequently asked question. So, in this post, I will answer that question in detail and other frequently asked questions can bunnies have bananas?

Are bananas safe for rabbits?

Yes, rabbits can eat bananas but in small portions. As mentioned above fruits are necessary for the growth of rabbits because they contain vitamins and minerals so among the fruits let’s choose banana.

Bananas have many nutrients just like any other fruit does too. It happens to be sweet and tasty hence loved by rabbits who feed on it. However, we should feed our pet rabbit with a small amount of this fruit as failure to do so may lead to various health complications.

With high sugar levels contained in them; if given too much at once or frequently then it will affect the overall well-being of our domesticated bunny rabbits thus one should only offer them one occasionally rather than often or all together.

Can rabbits eat banana peels?

Yes, rabbits can eat the banana peel, but before giving it to them, we must be sure that it is well-washed and free from any chemicals.

Veterinarians say that Rabbits can eat the banana peel, but it is not necessarily recommended to give it to them. It all depends on you, whether you want to provide them with banana peels or not. It is advisable to give a small amount of banana and its peel for safety.

A whole banana and its peel are not recommended at all for any size rabbit. Give small pieces and watch while eating. However, banana peels are not very nutritious, so you can avoid them too.

What are the benefits of giving bananas to rabbits?

Rabbits need hay, water, leafy greens, and high-quality pellets for their regular growth and development. Apart from this, whatever we give must be given in small quantities, whether it is fruits, vegetables, or anything else.

There are many nutritional values present in bananas. Bananas contain 75% water, which helps prevent dehydration. It contains potassium, which releases stress and helps improve rabbits’ sleep.

Bananas help in the metabolization of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats due to their manganese content. It also contains phosphorous, vitamin B6, and folate, which increase red blood cell production, immunity, and bone development in rabbits.

Apart from these nutrients, many other nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc are present in small amounts. So, bananas are rich in nutrients, and we can go with this for our rabbit’s meal.

Also Read - Can Rabbit Eat Guava? Benefits and its nutritional values. 

bunnies eating banana

How much banana can we give to our rabbits?

When feeding bananas to our rabbits, we should follow some guidelines. We can give them bananas when they reach the age of four months. We also need to put some leafy greens before any fruit. It’s better not to mix two different kinds of fruits in one meal for them.

Give in small quantities, as bananas are filled with sugar and starch. Take a gap of 24 hours before giving it a second chance to your pet. After implementing all the rules, if your rabbits show positive signs towards eating bananas, then gradually increase the amount to 5% of their diet.

But if it shows negative moods while eating and you ignore it, then you must stop feeding. Start giving them another fruit that they like to eat.

Note – Learn More About Rabbits Eating Behaviour, What to Feed and What Not to Feed to Rabbits Here.

When not to feed bananas to our rabbits?

Rabbits are very sensitive to their diet. Especially in the case of baby rabbits, we need to become extra protective of their intake. We should not give fruits, vegetables, or any other things except their mother’s milk, to baby rabbits.

So, it’s a no to bananas when your bunny is too small. Bananas are very addictive. If your rabbits become addicted to it, then be careful; it might affect their digestive system. So, try to give them only twice a week and only one tablespoon.

It helps in getting rid of its addiction. When our rabbits do not show an interest in eating bananas, we should not force them to eat them. It’s customary in rabbits that One loves eating bananas, and the other hates them. So, don’t panic; give them other fruits.

What are the adverse reactions that can be seen in rabbits after eating bananas?

Due to the high levels of sugar and starch in bananas, obesity, and weight gain can be seen as adverse effects of eating them.

If it is given in a large amount, can cause a stomach problem in rabbits. It also causes gas and diarrhea in rabbits. It can damage the teeth of rabbits.

Too much eating can cause bad teeth. Also, when we give banana peels without washing them, it can cause a lot of health problems because it might contain harmful fertilizers that are used by farmers at the time of farming So it’s better to give a washed banana peel to our rabbits.

If any change in their behavior is noticed, then stop giving them bananas in their diet. Begin giving another fruit that your veterinarian has recommended.

can rabbits eat banana


Can rabbits eat banana skins?

No, rabbits can’t eat banana skins. While they can nibble on the fruit itself, a rabbit’s digestive system may struggle with breaking down the tough fibers in this part and could cause an upset stomach.

How often can rabbits eat bananas?

Because they contain lots of sugar, bananas should only be given to rabbits as treats. It’s advisable that you give them a piece or two once per week.

At what age can rabbits eat bananas?

Rabbits are allowed to eat a small amount of banana after weaning and having a stable diet of pellets, fresh veggies, and hay which should be around 12 weeks old although new foods need to be introduced slowly so that their tummies may adapt.

Are overripe bananas safe for rabbits?

Ripe but still firm bananas are safe for consumption by bunnies however those which are too soft or mushy might have higher levels of sugar content.

Do bananas offer any health advantages for rabbits?

Yes, but only in moderation — they are rich in nutrients like potassium or vitamin C which is good for bunny health; however, it should not replace important components such as vegetables and hay that are necessary for their diet.


I hope this article helps you take care of your loveable pet rabbit and their meals. Some points you need to remember are: do not feed bananas to your baby rabbits; feed bananas to your adult rabbits only 2-3 times a week and not more than this.

Bananas contain a lot of sugar, so give them in moderation; otherwise, they can harm your pet and cause health problems. See, Rabbits’ growth and development depend on their diet, so we need to consider all the facts before introducing a new thing to them.

At last, while doing all this, Keep monitoring your rabbit, and if any abnormalities are noticed, then contact your nearest veterinarian.


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