what does rabbit teeth gridning means

What Does Rabbit Teeth Grinding Mean?

Rabbits can be excellent at running mazes, doing tricks, and completing obstacle courses, but not everyone realizes rabbits can also be sick and unhappy. To protect themselves, rabbits usually develop an activity to hide their sickness or injuries.

They do this so well that one may never realize anything wrong is happening to their bunnies. However, you may notice that they hide a lot of pain in their eyes if you pay attention to what they do.

One of the behaviors that are absolutely unique to rabbits is grinding their teeth. You might notice that their whiskers start vibrating; they start producing a very strange sound when they grind their teeth.

One important thing to note here is that rabbits grind their teeth in both situations: when they are extremely happy and when they’re in pain.

Tooth Grinding in Rabbits

There are mainly two types of tooth grinding in rabbits:

Loud Tooth Grinding
When rabbits grind their teeth too loudly, it may be due to their illness or stress.

Quiet Tooth Grinding
Rabbits grind their teeth quietly when they are happy and satisfied. This type of grinding is common when rabbits are relaxed. Mostly, rabbits grind their teeth to keep them straight and structured.

rabbit teeth grinding

What does rabbit tooth grinding mean?

Rabbits teeth convey what they’re feeling inside. They involuntarily express their feelings through their teeth. When a rabbit is found to be gently chattering their teeth, it can be a sign of happiness and enjoyment, which suggests your rabbit’s well-being.

Rabbits do grind their teeth for self-soothing purposes too.

However, a loudly grinding tooth cannot be encouraging. You may need to closely observe their other activities. Teeth grinding in rabbits can also be a sign of pain and sorrow. It suggests that your rabbit is having unpleasant feelings.

Tooth chattering

Tooth chattering is merely a low voice, and it often occurs while being pampered. Tooth grinding can also be louder when rabbits are depressed or injured. When tooth grinding is accompanied by reddish and bulging eyes or unusual shaking. These are the clear signs that your rabbit is in pain.

Why do rabbits grind their teeth when you stroke them?

When you stroke your bunnies, they might start grinding their teeth in a gentle and calm way. It is something that rabbits do to express their happiness if you’re putting them to sleep by grinding their teeth.

Rabbits tend to quietly grind their front teeth when they are enjoying themselves and being relaxed. When they wear down their front teeth, it is because they do it to keep their teeth the right size and properly structured.

This type of grinding is common when you stroke your bunnies.

What does a rabbit’s tooth grinding sound like?

At times rabbits grind their teeth to mask pain and seem strong before predators, sometimes however the intensity can be such that it leaves them with no choice to show it. Instead of crying out, they start grinding their teeth and shaking their heads.

Tooth grinding can be a lot more noticeable and aggressive as the rabbits suffer intense pain and trouble. It is something not meant to be ignored. If you find that the behavior of your rabbits is becoming severe, consult the veterinarian.

There are numerous common symptoms of pain that you should look out for and take the best treatment for. I’ve put them here along with their potential causes.

Also Read - How Rabbit Express Affection

teeth grinding - rabbits

Symptoms Causes
Antisocial behavior (personality change and aggressive) When a rabbit lacks trust or is uneasy in his surroundings.
Reluctance to move or physical activities Most of the time, rabbits become inactive because of boredom, depression, illness, or old age.
Lack of self-grooming Grooming is a way for dogs to stay safe and calm themselves. If they start overgrooming or lack grooming, it can be a sign of depression and sickness.
Refusal to eat or drink There are a series of reasons why rabbits stop eating or drinking. One of them could be dental disease or gut problems.
Hunched posture A rabbit in pain will probably have a hunched posture. They sit quietly, eyes half closed, grinding their teeth.
Dental diseases There are various dental problems that can adversely affect rabbits. One of them is malocclusion.

What does it mean when my rabbit grinds its teeth while I pet it?

Rabbits do chatter their teeth in two cases: when they are extremely happy and relaxed or when they are in discomfort. To identify the differences between these two, you need to closely observe their activities, and soon you will realize which type of grinding it is.

If you find out that your rabbit is perfectly fine in the way they are playing, hopping, and eating, and is fully comfortable in their surroundings, there is no need to worry.

But if you find some negative changes in their behavior, you need to pay more attention. Once you find out that your rabbits are in pain, you need to learn about the causes and their treatment. Tooth grinding, accompanied by the following symptoms, is one of the key warning signals that your rabbit is facing painful experiences.

Reasons for grinding teeth could be the following:

👉 Gastrointestinal distress

👉 Intestinal infections

👉 Insomnia (lack of sleep)

👉 Joint pain

👉 Overgrooming

👉 Dental pain

👉 Biting and nipping

👉 Broken limbs

👉 Surgery pain

👉 Hunched posture

👉 Lacks grooming

👉 Reluctance to physical activities

👉 Refuse to live with their partners

👉 Joint pain Urine infection

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How to relieve a rabbit’s pain

To help a rabbit in pain, the first thing you need to know is to find the exact cause of the pain. Don’t even try to treat them as normal human beings, like offering paracetamol or a citrazen. This medication can be harmful to your rabbits.

You can check your rabbit’s health by various means. Don’t be surprised if your rabbit doesn’t allow you to touch her. It may be due to the fact that they are not well and suffering from pain. Get ready for nips and bites. For safety, gloves are advisable.

Check for tooth pain

If you suspect that your rabbit is having some dental problems, you can check them by offering a favorite hard treat. If bunnies refuse to eat, there may be chances of tooth decay. Most rabbits cannot resist the sugary treat.

Check for muscular pain or impact injuries

Touch the rabbit’s limbs gently. Try to pamper them by petting their heads and backs. When you feel that they are comfortable, move on to their limbs. If they finch or flee, you must have gotten the message. Regularly massage your rabbit’s limbs.

Check for urinary infections

Have a close look at the rabbit’s discharge. Check if the urine has flecks of blood or something else. However, red poop does not necessarily mean it’s bleeding. Infections can be cleared up with the use of antibiotics or by consulting a vet for proper treatment.

Dental Pain

In case of dental pain it’s advisable to consult the vet. Rabbits’ teeth need to get trimmed using professional equipment, which can only be available by the experts. Also, encourage your rabbits to chew plenty of hay and grass; it will be helpful to get their teeth strong.

Other symptoms to look out for

Weepy eyes, Reduced appetite, Escaping from people, A mucky bottom, Reduced droppings, Diarrhoea, Inactivity, and lethargy.

dental pain relief rabbit


What does it mean when bunnies crack their teeth?

Teeth grinding in rabbits, likewise called bruxism, can show different hidden issues including agony, inconvenience or stress.

Is tooth grinding in rabbits an indication of pain?

Indeed, tooth grinding in rabbits might be a sign of torment particularly on the off chance that it is joined by different indications of trouble like diminished craving or hunched pose.

What would it be a good idea for me to do if see my rabbit granulating its teeth?

In the event that you notice your rabbit pounding its teeth, at that point cautiously screen its conduct and address a veterinarian so they can distinguish what is causing this and recommend fitting treatment.

Are there some other practices or signs I should pay special mind to related to teeth grinding?

Indeed, different signs include decreased hunger; changes in prepping conduct; laziness; and odd vocalizations which may show torment/uneasiness.

Can stress or anxiety cause rabbits to grind their teeth?

Truly. Stress or anxiety can make them pound their teeth. Ecological changes such as loud clamors; and nearness of hunters/unfamiliar creatures can trigger pressure-related conduct.


Many rabbits express their enjoyment by grinding their teeth when you pet them. It’s a natural part of a rabbit’s purring. But teeth grinding also signifies discomfort and pain. Grinding due to pain is often louder and more unpleasant. If you are ever unsure about your rabbit’s behavior, it doesn’t hurt to take them to the vet. I wish your bunny a very pleasant and joyous life!


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