Can rabbit eat cabbage

Can rabbits eat cabbage?

We love our pets very much and would want to treat them like our own children. That is why we do everything together with them such as eating, sleeping, walking, playing etc. When we eat food, we also offer the same to our pets which can be risky for them. One of the most frequently ... Read more
can rabbits eat lettuces

Can rabbits eat lettuce? Everything you need to know

Ever since I was young, rabbits have held a special spot in my heart. The reason is that they are good at making friends, and they are easy to look after besides providing company. More so, bunnies are adorable cuddly little things that are so soft when you hold them close – it’s like holding ... Read more
can rabbits eat watermelon

Can rabbits eat watermelons?

For the good of our rabbits as pets and their care, it is important to identify proper food for them. At times, when working with fruits and vegetables we may be concerned about the sorts of food to give them. When I first brought my rabbits home, I was told by the initial pet keeper ... Read more
can rabbits eat strawberry

Can rabbits eat strawberries?

Rabbits are cute and fluffy animals. In addition, they have a questioning mind and love to try new foods to determine whether they like them or not. It can be stressful to keep up with what your rabbit can and cannot eat. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Can rabbits eat strawberries?” then this guide is ... Read more
can rabbits eat sweet potatoes

Can Rabbits Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are a food that originates from eastern parts of India, and they are a part of the Nightshade family. The sweet food is often eaten as a snack by most of us. But is it safe for your rabbits too? While sweet potatoes are enjoyed by people worldwide, you may be wondering if ... Read more
rabbit eat celery

Can Rabbits Eat Celery? Healthy feedings for rabbits

Celery is a good source of vitamins and fiber, contains powerful antioxidants, and is fully loaded with nutrients. Celery is mild, sweetish, aromatic, and delicious in taste. It feels good in your mouth and for your rabbits, too. So, the question of today is: Can rabbits eat celery? What are the health benefits of celery ... Read more
can rabbits eat apple

Can Rabbits Eat Apple?

It is said that ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Though this wisdom is applied to human beings, you might wonder if the same can be true for your rabbits. Can rabbits eat apples? Is it safe for them to eat apples? The quick answer to this question is Yes - rabbits can ... Read more
can rabbit eat raisins

Can rabbits have raisins?

Giving your rabbit the right type of food is very important for their growth and overall well-being. Rabbit's nutritional requirements are quite simple as compared to those of other pets. Also providing them with a variety of feeds are not always necessary. Recently, we were asked can rabbits eat raisins, and we thought, this would ... Read more
can rabbits eat spinach

Can rabbits eat spinach?

Rabbits are gregarious eaters, and they enjoy munching some fine snacks with us. But the question is whether rabbits can eat spinach or not? We cannot feed rabbits everything that we ourselves eat. Rabbits learn what their mates and them should eat to stay healthy and safe in the wilderness. But these things change when ... Read more