do rabbit attract mice

Do Rabbits Attract Mice? A Complete Guide

Nowadays, people choose to keep pet rabbits in their homes as companions. Rabbits are known to be timid pets, but soon they became friendly, enjoyed living with people, and felt free to roam the house, just like a dog or a cat.

Indoor living trends are becoming very common, and we feel safe keeping our pets away from other animals and threats. But it doesn’t mean that there are no dangers to your rabbits that we need to protect them from.

When you decide to get a rabbit for your home, it becomes essential to know all the risk factors associated with having such a cute and fluffy friend. Attracting mice and rodents is one of the many risks involved in owning a rabbit. Mice can be a potential health hazard for your rabbits and your home as well.

Mice reside in our home after buying a pet rabbit. Many wonders Can mice be dangerous for your bunnies? If so, what attracts them?

What exactly does attracting mice mean?

The foremost thing that I want to convey is that it’s not the rabbit itself that’s attracting mice. They don’t have any interest in rabbits. To them, your bunnies are this big animal that they will be scared of.

You must be aware of the fact that rabbits are naturally scavengers. Rats don’t get anything from your rabbit being a creature. In fact, a rabbit’s droppings and food make a story. Things that your rabbit is offered by you are like a delicacy and a constant source, and that’s like being a haven for rats, and they get attracted to it.

Mice have an amazing sense of smell. They will be able to catch a delicious meal with ease. Rabbit droppings and rabbit food are the most desirable meals for rats. As a result, they can be drawn anywhere your rabbits are living, which unfortunately can also include your homes.

Why do rabbits attract mice?

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, there are several other reasons why mice are drawn to rabbits.

👉 Mice are not directly attracted to rabbits; they usually feast on the food offerings of rabbits.

👉 They have a good sense of smell and will inevitably be drawn to food bits in a rabbit’s area.

👉 Mice seek water sources; a rabbit’s water dish can be an additional attraction for rats.

👉 Moreover, rabbit hutches are usually lined with hay and other bedding materials. It makes a perfect hiding place for mice to make a warm and cozy home for themselves.

👉 An unhygienic rabbit’s enclosure is something that attracts mice at large. Their enclosure provides a multitude of hiding spaces in their area. It’s a safe and cozy habitat for mice.

👉 Mice are great opportunists and take advantage of rabbits’ food and water materials as well as their enclosures.

These above-mentioned reasons can attract mice to rabbits.

rabbit attract mice

Does a rabbit’s poop attract mice?

Laboratory studies and analyses have proven that mice are known to eat rabbit droppings and feces. Rats practice coprophagy, which means eating fecal matter to recoup minerals that were not absorbed in the first stage, and it also enhances the rat’s digestion.

Pet rabbits are fed high-quality food on a regular basis. Thus, their droppings are also found to be of higher quality. This is a tempting food for rats to consume.

A rat naturally consumes the excrements of a well animal, for instance, a rabbit. Rats have a keen sense of smell that enables them to easily locate rabbit droppings.

Among other things, fecal matter provides mice with:

👉 Vitamin K

👉 Vitamin B12

👉 Folic acid

👉 Biotin

👉 Complex B vitamins

👉 Phosphorus and potassium

Should rats lack any essential nutrients they need in their bodies, they will undergo painful deficiencies that might hinder growth as well as development. Thus once they spot an eatery, these rodents are likely to keep visiting it over and over again.

Can rats harm rabbits?

Rats can bring infectious diseases to you and your livestock too. They can carry a variety of diseases that can harm your rabbits. The pathogens brought by the mice can have serious consequences and require immediate medical treatment in order to prevent the further spread of infections.

Diseases can be spread to rabbits through bites. Rats are omnivores, they even attack little bunnies. The illness caused by rat bite can be very dangerous if proper consideration is not given. Let’s discuss this in more detail;

Rat-bite Fever

Rat-bite fever can cause serious illness in rabbits. It’s mainly an infectious disease that can upset your rabbit’s well-being.

Rats’ bites consist mainly of two bacteria: Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus. These can enter a rabbit’s body through cuts and injuries, as well as through the eyes, nose, and mouth.

These can be found in the urine, saliva, and droppings of mice. Rabbits get infections when they encounter such rodent body waste. Rabbits can also be exposed to the bacterium through contaminated food and water.

The symptoms of rabbit-bite fever include:

  • Joint pain
  • Muscles pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin ulcers
  • Fever

Mice Prevention Strategies

If you are tired of pesky rats running around your homes or rabbit cages, fear not. There are various ways to keep rodents away. Here are the guides to saying goodbye to the rodents:

Rodent Traps

Traps are one of the best solutions to all your mouse problems. Mice can easily enter these traps, and you really don’t need to do anything. They get trapped in it, and when you catch mice, release them in an open area far away from your house. This strategy is good for those who don’t really want to harm any creatures. It doesn’t cause any harm to rats, and you also get relief from them.

Poison Traps

Using poison traps can also be ideal for catching rats and rodents. While using poison traps, make sure that they don’t have any secondary exposure effects so that they cannot harm any other pets, like dogs or cats, if they eat poisons.

Natural repellents

To get rid of mice, you can also use natural repellents like peppermint oil or cloves. These can keep your home away from rats and rodents. Mice have a strong sense of smell and they don’t like the annoying smell of anything where they live in.

Also Check - Different Sign of a Happy Rabbit

Remove any welcoming signs for the mice

Warm living spaces attract rats so you need to go through the area where your rabbits are living and remove all the things from which rats get attracted.

Some of the attractions are listed below:

Compost pile Brushes
Containers with holes Wood piles
Straw Leftover foods and snacks
Animal fur Boxes with things
Rabbit food Other animal houses
Old paper, cotton balls, fabrics Chicken coops
Beddings Droppings


Clearing open fields

A farmer’s field with corn or soybeans and brush piles are big attraction for rodents. Ensure that the rabbit’s enclosure is not in grassy fields. And regularly clear the open fields to keep the rats away.

Rodent proof enclosure

Cover the rabbit’s cage with non-toxic sealant or hard clothes. If you’re using chicken wire for a rabbit’s cage, it’s time to switch it out and cover it up with rodent-proof wire mesh.

Keeping rodents away from your rabbit involves a thorough cleaning of the enclosure of droppings, soiled bedding, and food. You need proper, airtight storage for keeping rabbits’ food and materials. Rodent-proof enclosures prevent undesirable and disgusting rats from harming your bunnies, thus ensuring their safety.


Do rabbits attract rats?

Rabbits themselves do not attract rats, but if left unchecked, the food and homes built for rabbits can be a temptation to other rodents such as rats.

What factors can attract rats to rabbit habitats?

Among the various factors that could potentially lure rats into rabbit habitats include easily obtainable sources of food like spilled rabbit feed or uneaten vegetables and sheltering areas provided by rabbit hutches or burrows.

How can I prevent rats from being attracted to my rabbit’s habitat?

Securely store your rabbit’s food in containers that cannot be accessed by rats, clean up any spills quickly, and remove uneaten vegetables or spoiled hay frequently from the vicinity of where they are housed.

Are rabbit hutches a common nesting place for rats?

Yes, rabbit hutches may provide sheltered spots for nesting by rats. Always make sure their construction is soundly done while cleaning them regularly so that this does not happen.

Should I be concerned about rats harming my rabbits?

The presence of disease-carrying organisms within rat bodies poses risks towards healths of animals they come into contact with especially those living outdoors like rabbits whose immune systems might not be strong enough against infection. Another reason why one should take caution around these creatures is because sometimes they compete with each other over food thereby leading to destructions caused on habitats.


Although rabbits do not attract rats alone, there are still some things about rabbit habitats that can lure rodents if not taken care of properly — like having accessible food and sheltered spaces. It is crucial for a person keeping rabbits to ensure their safety by storing the food well, cleaning enclosures and making them secure enough as well as controlling pests effectively whenever needed.

Being watchful and taking preventive steps will enable owners to provide safe living conditions for their pets while reducing the chances of rodent invasions.


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