lop eared bunny

Lop-Eared Bunny Guide: Types, Appearance, Care

There are different types of rabbits with this particular feature; the lop-eared rabbit has its ears drooping rather than standing erect.

Among those who have domestic rabbits as pets, lop-eared bunnies are some of the most popular breeds because they come in various colors and fur types which makes them cute and friendly.

However, English Lop Rabbits are one example of these breeds which have long ears, a major characteristic among other important characteristics. They can also be kept as pets for both children and adults since they are quiet, gentle, and calm naturally.

Lop-Eared Rabbit Breed Basic Differences
Holland Lop Small-sized, compact body, floppy ears, short fur, friendly temperament.
English Lop Large-sized, long floppy ears that hang down beside their head, long fur, calm and gentle nature.
Mini Lop Smaller than the English Lop, but larger than the Holland Lop, lop ears, stocky build, friendly and outgoing personality.
French Lop One of the largest Lop breeds, sturdy body, long ears that hang vertically, dense and soft fur, docile and laid-back demeanor.



Lop-eared rabbits are recognized for their unique beauty which makes their long drooping ears, usually large, look adorable and special.

They are normally of medium to large size with well-rounded compact bodies. The color and type can have various patterns as well as solid colors along with different fur lengths. Their faces appear lovely with bright eyes that are round and whiskers that stick out.

These days, lop-eared rabbits portrayed in pictures show us only cute creatures on four furry legs with paws of various colors and short fluffy tails. They possess a gentle look that comes along with their amicable nature which attracts many pet owners who are rabbit enthusiasts.

lop eared rabbit appearance

About miniature Holland lop bunnies

If you have ever been to a pet store, then probably you are familiar with the Holland Lop. These lop-eared bunnies have found great favor in the pet trade. It is one of the most popular breeds of lop-eared bunnies for petting.

Miniature Holland Lop bunnies, known for their compact size and endearing lop ears, weigh 2-4 pounds when fully grown. These small, round-bodied rabbits are exceptionally cute, with soft, dense fur and a range of coat colors. Their lop ears give them a perpetually charming and surprised expression. Holland Lops are gentle, social, and make great pets for individuals and families.

It does not matter that they are more skittish, and less friendly than their larger, less compact counterparts, they were being liked by everyone. In fact, these breeds of bunnies are cute, especially as kits, and it’s difficult to resist their small faces and long floppy ears.

lop eared cute bunny

Do lop-eared rabbits make good pets?

Yes, they make very good pets for those who appreciate their nice look and gentle social nature that many of them have. Different tastes are catered for with the breed range and ear diversity. They require little care in terms of house training and daily walks.

Yet, if you do decide to own a rabbit, you must be ready for feeding them, grooming them, giving companionship because these animals thrive on social interactions. With proper attention and commitment, these can be loved family members forever.

Also Read - How to keep your rabbit nail short without cutting? Learn about Bunnies nail in detail. 

The other important facts that should be considered are:

Should you be pondering about getting a lop rabbit as your pet, the following are some other matters that you need to consider.

Feeding: Their health is dependent on proper eating habits and includes hay, pellets and fresh vegetables.

Shelter: They need to have ample space for roaming about, safe and cozy houses and protection from harsh weather conditions

Chewing behaviors: Since their behavior involves chewing everything in sight, then make your home a rabbit-proof house.

Vet care: See an experienced vet at least once a year.

Spaying/Neutering: To avoid health problems and unwanted litter consider this procedure

Understand Their Behavior: Get to know how rabbits behave in order to maintain stress-free environments

Lifespan: They live long lives, so ensure that it is possible for you to make that commitment

Children And Supervision: Teach children about gentle rabbit handling and monitor their interactions with them.

Rescue And Adoption: Give a rabbit in need a forever home by adopting one at a rescue or shelter.

vet care for lop eared bunnies

Downsides of having a lop bunny

Lop bunnies on the other hand are adorable but they bring along their own unique set of problems as compared to those with erect ears. Findings suggest that floppy-eared rabbits are more likely to develop severe ear and tooth troubles. Dental and ear issues predominate among lop-eared rabbits when compared to upright-eared counterparts.

These include cerumen impaction leading to otitis externa, erythema causing redness and inflammation of the external ear canal skin, and incisor pathology due to a low-fiber diet. Besides, overgrown molars, sharp points or spurs, and stenosis of the ear canal may occur in lop-eared rabbits narrowing it down further.

Such situations can be quite painful; by making it hard for them to hear or eat properly, they can affect the quality of life that these animals enjoy. Thus, although lovely companionship is offered by lop bunnies their specific health necessities must be managed caringly by those responsible for them so as to uphold their well-being plus happiness.

Best Diet for lop-eared bunnies

The diet of lop-eared rabbits is the same as any other rabbit breed.

Hay: It should be given to your lop bunny in plenty as their main food though it should be timothy hay or other high-quality hays. Lops bunnies have a difficult time digesting and oftentimes have dental problems.

Rabbit Pellets: They are available occasionally when you want to balance the menu with fiber-rich rabbit pellets.

Raw Vegetables: Give a variety of fresh vegetables like salads and some other safe things for bunnies.

Water: The rabbit must constantly get clean, cool water to drink whenever it wants.

Treats: This is because fruits and commercial rabbit treats contain high levels of sugar which could cause health problems to the pets. Toxic diets must be prevented while starchy products minimized.

Note – Check What to feed your rabbits.

Types of lop eared rabbits

The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) accounted for approximately five types of lop-eared rabbits. Despite being adored by most household rabbit owners on occasion, they have a character that calls for more attention.

You need to make sure that their lops ears are cleaned on both sides since they can be prone to a build-up of debris.

cute lop eared rabbit

French Lop

The French loped rabbit, one of the most sizeable lop-eared rabbit breeds, originated in France through the crossbreeding of two pre-existing rabbit breeds. They weigh around 10 pounds and have ears that hang below their jaws and reach over a foot long.

They need a large outdoor enclosure with companion rabbits and a large space for playing.

Mini Lop

These are similar in appearance to the Holland Lop, Mini Lops are a smaller breed of lop-eared rabbits. They are known for their compact size and sweet personalities.

The mini lop is generally confused with the United Kingdom’s dwarf lop or miniature loop. This breed is the second-largest lop-eared variety found in the US. The mini-lop is well known at rabbit shows. They weigh around 6 pounds.

Original Lop

This rabbit is a fancy English breed first developed in the 19th century by means of selective breeding.

Perhaps these were humanity’s initial lop rabbits and maybe it is one of the first lop breeds ever developed. Their excessive laziness often leads to obesity in them as well.

The American Fuzzy

Another fancy breed is the American fuzzy lop. They are called the kingpins of the fancy world. Instead, this rabbit has very soft fur that makes it different from others.

They are a lively breed with lots of character and like to be interacted with by their human owners as well as live with other rabbits.

They like to play with toys such as plastic balls, pine cones, softwood pieces, stuffed socks, etc.

A true dwarf

These are cute critters, weighing around 3.5 pounds. True dwarfs are ideal house pets. These bunnies make delightful pets due to their small size, friendly disposition, and endearing lop ears.

These breeds of rabbits are non-aggressive and are very different from American fuzzy breeds in that they have fur, not wool, and they are true examples of the dwarf variety. They are relatively small and make great little pets.

How do you care for a lop-eared rabbit?

With their ears flopping, they can be great pets in homes with small children and it is simple to take care of one rabbit that has down-flopping ears.

Caring for a lop-eared rabbit is just like caring for other breeds; however, there could be limits due to their characteristic ear shape.

A summary of how to care for a pet rabbit includes:

  • Secure your house for them;
  • Take preventative measures all over the home;
  • Supply fresh hay and clean water;
  • Provide fresh leafy greens, high-fiber pellets, as well as supplements;
  • Put up and always maintain a litter box;
  • Logic toys/games, and playing with bunnies are vital for your bunny’s life.
  • Cleaning rabbits
  • Clean their ears inside and out.
  • Take your bunny to the vet.
  • Recognize rabbit-specific behavior and language.

Apart from these general tips on taking care of rabbits, all lop-eared rabbits require additional precautions concerning their ears. Injuries and infections easily occur frequently as a result of its size, folded position and delicate constitution but can be easily avoided if cared for adequately.

care for lop eared rabbit


What is the meaning of lop-eared bunnies?

Lop-eared rabbits are a type of pet rabbit having ears that are always floppy. The characteristic of these animals is their ears hanging down rather than standing straight up.

What’s the average size for lop-eared rabbits?

This breed of rabbits measures small to medium with adults ranging between two and six pounds, contingent on the breed type.

Can lop-eared bunnies be good pets?

Sure! They make great pets. They have an agreeable and outgoing personality, an endearing look, and they are companionable to singles or families.

How long do lop-eared rabbits live?

In general, caring for them well enables owners to have them alive for up to more than 7-10 years hence making them a lifelong responsibility in case one takes them as pets.

Which is the best food for lop-eared bunnies?

The diet should consist of fresh hay alongside high-quality rabbit pellets and various fresh vegetables. It is important that they get proper nutrition and have access to clean water all the time.

Summing up

Lop-eared bunnies are great choices! As a house pet, lop bunnies can be a delightful choice. It provides an owner with an adorable, loving, and affectionate pet if proper consideration is given to them.

For a typical rabbit lover, you can learn many things about what they can be fed, and by watching their activities, you can study their temperament. Lop rabbits’ ears are like antennas that can tell us more when a rabbit is alert, curious, angry, and upset.

They have very limited control over their ears, and due to this factor, it takes a long time and practice to understand their body language. One thing to always keep in mind that you have to take care of your rabbits and keep them properly.