can rabbit and chicken live together

Can Rabbits and Chickens Live Together?

Should a new animal be brought into your home, it’s vital for you to consider if the new one will blend in with your current animal(s). Will their rabbit and chicken go well together one may query. The same way they may fight.

Can rabbits and chickens live together? Yes of course, rabbits can be kept with hens, but to put up a chicken with a rabbit one should take into consideration whether the two have enough space for each other and if they are not too aggressive towards one another.

Cleaning up after them regularly so that they do not attract diseases, feeding them properly and providing clean water for their health as diseases may arise due to lack of proper hygiene on food and water sources in addition to protection from predators; all these adjustments have to be done in order for both of them to feel safe while living harmoniously.

In theory, bunnies and chickens can live together. So, it’s not such a challenging situation. However, an old chicken may struggle to deal with a highly energetic bunny. In the same manner, a new bunny arrives at a new house. Bunnies who get confronted with a chicken can react with extreme fear.

If you’re taking the right approach, you may find they’re both just happy getting along. To make things quite easy, it becomes important to understand why these two creatures may take time to adjust properly.

Further in this blog, we have explained in detail about the coexistence of chicken and rabbit. Introducing a new pet in your home should always be done carefully.

YES! Rabbits and chickens can live together

Bunnies can live with chickens too. Both of them are predominantly outdoor pets as well as social animals. They both lived in hutches and ran to flourish. Therefore, you can save space by housing them together.

Cohabitating chickens and rabbits can be successful with time as well as patience. Rabbits together with chickens are usually sociable, gentle animals.

These birds do not tremble at all when they see these cuddly creatures. So, they could stay with each other, they may even doze off side-by-side sometimes.

However, precautions must be taken while keeping both animals together, as their needs for survival are altogether different. Also, be mindful of their health concerns. Chickens tend to carry diseases with no symptoms, and as a result, it might create trouble for rabbits or other pets living together.

rabbit and chicken live together

Create the right environment for rabbits and chickens

It is possible for hares and chickens to inhabit the same place. But before living together there are a few obligatory requirements. A healthy life for both rabbits and fowl is different. Thus create a safe environment where you get the right balance between them. Before bringing these animals together give some thought to;


The enclosure of pets is one of many such matters that you need to take into consideration. Given plenty of room, both rabbits and chickens can move around with ease.

Giving them separate housing areas is probably a good idea. One large coop for all your pets can also be fine. They get enough space to live comfortably. Congested areas can trouble them.

space for rabbit and chicken


A balanced diet is vital. Rabbits have different dietary needs from those of chickens. They cannot share meals with each other. If they share their food then it can make them sick. Feed them separately. It also becomes important because both animals are likely to eat anything that gets in their way. In contrast with them which eat plants only, a rabbit eats plants while at the same time, a chicken can consume anything it comes across. So, kindly ensure that the food you offer them is not shared.

Check What to feed Rabbits so that accordingly you can offer the food to your bunnies.


As a matter of fact, rabbits are much cleaner than chickens. Hence, you’ll need to clean the coop daily. Maintain proper hygiene in their areas. It also reduces the risk of flies and parasites. Cleaning reduces the risk of spreading any illness to one another and keeps both species healthy and happy.


Chickens and rabbits are generally peaceful animals, but their characters differ. Some chickens may be inquisitive and peck at rabbits, while rabbits may be shy when with chickens. It is vital to watch them closely as they interact and keep them apart if there is any fighting.

Also, Read -  Do Rabbits Attract Mice ? and if you are worried that, keeping a rabbit may increase the number of mice in your house then read this post.

Advantages of keeping rabbits and chickens together

Keeping both rabbits and chickens at the same time has numerous advantages. These are:

Space saving

One large area or a coop for all of your pets is more space-efficient than keeping them separately.


If there is a problem keeping your rabbits indoors, chickens will be a good companion.
In fact, you’ll be surprised at how well these pets get along.

Security and safety

Chickens and rabbits are prey animals. They even attract the same predator. So, when they are in groups, they have a feeling of security and safety.

Less nasty smell

Although rabbits are tidy animals, their droppings do have a strong smell. Chickens on the other hand are quite messy and should be cleaned after a while in order to keep the stench from getting out of hand.


Rabbits and chickens are hardy and cope well with cold weather. Both species flourish in the winter. There’s no need to worry about one species needing more heat than the other.

Pest Control

Chickens naturally scavenge for food helping reduce insect pests around which might also cut down on potential causes of irritation for rabbits.

Interesting behavior

It is really entertaining when you watch as rabbits play with chickens.

advantage of keeping rabbit chicken together

Is there any drawback to keeping rabbits and chickens together?

Combining rabbits and chickens has many pros but also significant cons that need to be looked into before you make the decision.


The nutritional requirements of both species vary. They can’t be fed the same kind of food.
If they share their meals, they will probably become sick. There should be separate meals for each species.


Rabbits and chickens are like apples and oranges. Chickens are less timid than rabbits. They are afraid of fast-moving creatures. It may result in pecking, clawing, and fighting.


Rabbits and chickens are prone to zoonotic disease. Moreover, chickens tend to carry diseases without any symptoms. So, it’s a matter of concern for rabbits. Soon they will be infected and, hence, become ill.

Coop materials

Rabbits have delicate skin. They may hurt themselves when they come into contact with the wire on the chicken coop. Using appropriate materials for both species is your responsibility.


A male rabbit might attempt to mount each and every chick in the coop. Neutering will surely help. However, it may not stop the behavior altogether.


Rabbits are fond of digging. You need to harden the floors to prevent escaping. It can be quite uncomfortable for chicken feet.

disadvantage rabbit chicken keeping together

Points to remember while keeping the rabbits and chickens together

  • Introduce them slowly.
  • Make sure that they have ample space for them.
  • Give each animal their own private and safe space sometimes.
  • Keep their room clean.
  • Neuter your rabbit.
  • If they aren’t happy together, make them separate.


Can rabbits stay with chickens?

Yes, you can have a rabbit and chicken living together but you will need to plan well and provide good management.

How do I introduce my rabbit to my chicken?

Allow them to meet slowly. In the beginning, put them in separate cages where they can see one another and their activities should be keenly observed. Before merging them together, make sure that they know each other.

What food should I give when I keep both rabbits and chickens?

Feed them according to their specific dietary needs. Chickens are mainly feed grains and bugs while rabbits especially eat hay, vegetables as well as pellets.

What are some signs that tell me they are getting along well?

Observe what appears on both of them as being aggressive or stressful. In case there are any indications of aggressive behavior, injury or distress, consider separating them immediately.

Is it possible for a rabbit to transmit chicken disease?

Certainly, rabbits are probably subject to obtaining chicken infection as well as chickens obtain from them infections.


The union of chickens and rabbits is possible; however, their care must be undertaken with caution. Moreover, one should be aware that these animals have different requirements and behaviors implying that readiness to adapt may be necessary for them to live together in harmony.


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