rabbit allergy symptoms

Rabbit allergy symptoms | Treatment

When there is a pet rabbit in your house and you want to know if your rabbit has an allergy or not. Well, several rabbit allergens have been identified in its fur, saliva, urine, dander or dust. Those who are allergic to them should take seriously these allergens such as dust mites which could be ... Read more
do rabbit attract mice

Do Rabbits Attract Mice? A Complete Guide

Nowadays, people choose to keep pet rabbits in their homes as companions. Rabbits are known to be timid pets, but soon they became friendly, enjoyed living with people, and felt free to roam the house, just like a dog or a cat. Indoor living trends are becoming very common, and we feel safe keeping our ... Read more
how rabbit express affection

How Rabbits Express Affection

Owning a rabbit is like immersing yourself in an enchanting world full of rabbit love that goes beyond feeding and sheltering them. Rabbits on the other hand don’t show love like dogs or cats but do portray it through meaningful acts. In this blog, we will see how rabbits express their love. The bond between ... Read more
sign of a depressed rabbit

Signs of a Depressed Rabbit

You might have just moved or are planning to bring home a new bunny. Out of the blue, your lively and energetic Coney is withdrawn or listless. You might think Is your rabbit depressed? Yes, even your rabbits can get the blues. Let's learn about the common symptoms as well as the treatment for rabbit ... Read more
do rabbits have paw pads

Do Rabbits Have Paw Pads?

Our rabbit’s paws gently tap on our faces to wake us. Their paws touch the ground silently as rabbits stalk food. Fictional rabbits are generally depicted in this way because it is assumed that as a rabbit is cute and furry, it might have padded paws. And while we often do not notice these portrayals ... Read more
what does rabbit teeth gridning means

What Does Rabbit Teeth Grinding Mean?

Rabbits can be excellent at running mazes, doing tricks, and completing obstacle courses, but not everyone realizes rabbits can also be sick and unhappy. To protect themselves, rabbits usually develop an activity to hide their sickness or injuries. They do this so well that one may never realize anything wrong is happening to their bunnies. ... Read more
10 sign of happy rabbit

10 Signs of a Happy Rabbit

Rabbits, whose ears are covered with fur and which have a twitching hose on their noses, are wonderful pets that exhibit a lot of mannerisms. We often think about how happy they might be. Fortunately, bunnies have their own way of telling us when they are feeling happy. These lovely animals speak to one another ... Read more