what to feed rabbits

What To Feed Rabbits : Guide with Nutritional Approach

Rabbits are one of the loveliest and kind animals in this world and it need a well-planned diet to stay healthy and live longer. The owner of rabbits often asks us what to feed rabbits. Well they need a mix of foods like hay, pellets, fresh veggies, herbs, fruits, and water to stay strong and happy.

In this blog, we will discuss about the foods for rabbits, what is good for them to eat, and how to ensure they are getting all the right things they need.

Also, we will take some common questions to help you understand everything better by answering your questions. So stay with us to get the information which is important for your rabbit. Here are some of the foods which you need to feed your rabbit:


Rabbits love to eat plants and need lots of fiber in their diet. They mostly rely on fresh and good quality hay, like Timothy hay, which has long fibers. This hay helps keep their teeth healthy and helps their digestive system as well. Eating hay also stops them from getting stomach troubles, so it’s a really important part of their diet.

Many people ask me that can I give hay to my rabbit and my answer to them is yes, definitely, you can give hay to your rabbits. It is one of the most important foods for rabbits. Try to give hay most of the times.


Pellets are full of important vitamins and minerals that can help keep your rabbit healthy. They are made especially for rabbits and usually contain grains, seeds, and other good stuff. But it is important not to give them too much pellets, as pellets should be just a part of their diet along with hay, not the main food.

food for rabbits

Fresh Vegetables

Rabbits like to eat various types of fresh vegetables and especially leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale. As we all know that these vegetables are full of vitamins and water also. Eating these vegetables keeps the rabbits healthy and hydrated.

There is some other good options also like Dandelion greens because it contains vitamins A and C and celery is a good choice as well for a nice crunchy snack that keep the rabbit hydrated.


Rabbits enjoy fruits as a tasty treat because they are naturally sweet. But it is important to give them only a little bit of fruits since fruits have a lot of sugar.

Apples, strawberries, and blueberries are good options because they are full of vitamins and minerals. Just make sure you give them a little portion of fruits, this will keep them healthy.


Herbs like parsley, cilantro, and dill add a tasty flavors and different nutrients to a rabbit’s diet. You can give them these tasty greens every now and then to mix up what they eat.

Basil and mint are also good choices for you rabbit rabbits to enjoy their meal with these greens on the side, giving them different flavors and keeping their diet balanced keeps them healthy.

Timothy-Based Treats

Adding timothy-based treats to your rabbit’s main diet can make things more fun. These treats are available in the stores and, you can buy it from there, mix the goodness of timothy hay with extra nutrients, giving your rabbit a well-rounded snack.

But it is important to give treats carefully and not too often, so your rabbit’s overall diet stays balanced.

Fresh Water

One thing which is the most important for you rabbits health is fresh and clean water. Like all the other animals and humans rabbits also need water to stay hydrated and healthy, because it helps in digesting food and makes them feel good.

To take good care of your rabbit you always have to check if they have water or not. Therefore, always give them fresh and clean water.

Oat Hay and Fresh Grass

Giving your rabbits oat hay and fresh grass can make their diet more interesting and give them extra fiber as well. Oat hay has lots of fiber and energy, but because it also has carbs in it, it’s best to introduce it slowly.

Once your rabbit start eating grass then give them a small portion of grass only and that too when it is pesticide-free. This will keep them both mentally and physically active.

Things You Should Consider While Giving Food

Portion of Food: The most important thing to keep in mind that how much you give food to your rabbit. Always give them a moderate amount of food, as more food can make them sick and they can face health issues.

Variety: Giving your rabbit different vegetables and introducing new foods slowly helps keep their stomach happy and prevents upset.

Moderation: Give your rabbit fruits and treats sometimes, but not too much, to make sure they don’t get too much sugar.

Consulting Veterinarians: If you are not sure about what to feed your rabbit or if they seem unwell, it is best to ask a veterinarian for help.

To make sure your rabbit eats right, mix up their diet with good hay, some pellets, and different fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits now and then.

By paying close attention to what your rabbit needs to eat, you help them stay healthy, lively, and happy. Remember, every rabbit is different, so watch how they react to different foods and adjust their diet accordingly to keep them healthy.

what food can be given to bunnies

Common Myths and Facts

As caring owners of rabbit, it is really important to clear up any misunderstandings and make sure we have the right information to feed our rabbits properly:

Myth: Rabbits should eat a lot of carrots.

Fact: Even though rabbits are often linked with carrots, they should not eat too many carrots. Because carrots have a lot of sugar and sugar will make your rabbit overweight and they can also have problems in their teeth also. Therefore, you should not give excess carrot to your rabbit, instead, sometimes give them a small portion of carrot and this will make its diet healthy.

Myth: Rabbits need to eat unlimited pellets.

Fact: Pellets are good for rabbits but if you give them too much pellets then it can mess up your rabbit’s diet. One interesting this is adult rabbits need less pellets in comparison to the baby rabbits because they need different food. The best option is to give your rabbit is hay and some fresh vegetables and you can give a little of pellets on the side of the main food not as a main food.

Myth: Lettuce is the best leafy green vegetable.

Fact: Not all kinds of lettuce are good for your rabbit, although some kind of lettuce are good. For example, the iceberg lettuce does not have enough good things in it which a rabbit require in its food. The best option is to choose spinach and kale as they have more nutrients in them.

Myth: Fruits can take the place of vegetables.

Fact: You should give fruits in small portions not as a substitute for the vegetables. Because fruits have a lot of sugar in it and this could lead to overweight of the rabbit, so fruits should not be the main food. It is better to five fruits as a side dish with vegetables and hay.

Myth: All Human Foods are Safe for Rabbits

Fact: Not all human foods are good for your rabbit. Although some human foods are safe for the rabbits but not all. Especially the things like chocolate, avocado, onions, and garlic these foods can make your rabbit sick because rabbits cannot digest these foods. Therefore, always check the food before giving it to your rabbit.

Myth: Rabbits Cannot Eat Grass from Outside

Fact: Even though you need to be careful about pesticides and dangers because fresh, pesticide-free grass can be good for them. But if you are letting them eat grass outside, make sure it’s from a safe and clean area and pesticides free as well.

Creating a Wholesome Diet

Rabbits are like people in term of foods, because they have their own likes and dislikes. some rabbits might like one type of vegetable but another rabbit might not like that and instead of that it likes some other vegetable.

You should now what your rabbit likes and what it wants and it is very important for giving them proper food and taking care of them properly. You should always monitor what they are liking and what not.

If your rabbit have a special dietary need because some rabbits might need a special dietary chat because of their health issues or due to their age.

If you think that your rabbit also need a dietary chat then talk to a vet, and they will make a perfect diet for your rabbit according to its need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can rabbits eat rice?

No, you should not feed rice to your rabbit. Rabbits are used to eat a lot fiber from plants and rice does not have enough things for the rabbit. Therefore, the best option is to give hay to the rabbit instead of rice.

What household foods can rabbits eat?

You can give them some carrots, leafy green and some herbs like parsley. But make sure that you so not give a large amount of food to your rabbit. Also most of the time give them the food which are made for them.

What can rabbits eat daily?

A rabbit’s daily diet should include unlimited access to fresh, high-quality hay, a moderate amount of fresh vegetables (including leafy greens), a small portion of pellets, and a constant supply of clean water. Treats like fruits and timothy-based treats should be given sparingly.

What not to feed rabbits?

There are some foods that rabbits should not eat, like chocolate, avocado, onions, garlic, iceberg lettuce, and anything with a lot of sugar or carbs. These can make rabbits sick or give them digestive issues.

What to feed rabbits for breakfast?

For a good breakfast for your rabbit you can give them fresh hay, a bit of leafy greens, and a few pellets. Also make sure that they have enough fresh and clear water, and avoid giving sugary and starchy food in the morning.

The Takeaway

When it comes to feeding your rabbit or taking care of their health and making them happy the there is only one solution and that is perfect food. Always try to give them perfect amount of hay and pellets, vegetables, herbs and all the things mentioned in the blog, this will keep your rabbit healthy and happy.

Therefore always try to keep your rabbit healthy by giving them perfect amount of food and perfect food according to their choice and never follow the myths about the rabbits diet