can rabbit and chicken live together

Can Rabbits and Chickens Live Together?

Should a new animal be brought into your home, it’s vital for you to consider if the new one will blend in with your current animal(s). Will their rabbit and chicken go well together one may query. The same way they may fight. Can rabbits and chickens live together? Yes of course, rabbits can be ... Read more
what to feed rabbits

What To Feed Rabbits : Guide with Nutritional Approach

Rabbits are one of the loveliest and kind animals in this world and it need a well-planned diet to stay healthy and live longer. The owner of rabbits often asks us what to feed rabbits. Well they need a mix of foods like hay, pellets, fresh veggies, herbs, fruits, and water to stay strong and ... Read more
lop eared bunny

Lop-Eared Bunny Guide: Types, Appearance, Care

There are different types of rabbits with this particular feature; the lop-eared rabbit has its ears drooping rather than standing erect. Among those who have domestic rabbits as pets, lop-eared bunnies are some of the most popular breeds because they come in various colors and fur types which makes them cute and friendly. However, English ... Read more
how to keep your rabbit cool in summer

How To Keep Your Rabbit Cool and Happy in Summer

Keeping your rabbit cool during the summer is crucial for their well-being. Rabbits are very soft and delicate animal and extreme heat is not good for your rabbit’s health. Always try to keep your rabbit cool in summer. In this blog, we will explore the details of taking care of rabbits, giving helpful tips on ... Read more
how rabbit express affection

How Rabbits Express Affection

Owning a rabbit is like immersing yourself in an enchanting world full of rabbit love that goes beyond feeding and sheltering them. Rabbits on the other hand don’t show love like dogs or cats but do portray it through meaningful acts. In this blog, we will see how rabbits express their love. The bond between ... Read more
can rabbits eat plums

Can Rabbits Eat Plums

The pleasant journey to become a rabbit owner opens up an avenue of happiness and in addition, a range of considerations about what our four-legged friends eat. A popular question regarding rabbit care is whether these cute animals can enjoy the sweetness of plums. Here, we will take a look at the fruity world of ... Read more
how to clean your bunnies cage

How to Clean Your Bunny’s Cage

To allow a rabbit into your life may be the greatest event of your existence. Nothing beats having them in an environment that is clean and cozy for them. It is vital to keep their cages clean regularly if you want to take good care of them. This step prevents diseases and ensures tidiness too ... Read more
Can rabbit eat cabbage

Can rabbits eat cabbage?

We love our pets very much and would want to treat them like our own children. That is why we do everything together with them such as eating, sleeping, walking, playing etc. When we eat food, we also offer the same to our pets which can be risky for them. One of the most frequently ... Read more
can rabbits eat lettuces

Can rabbits eat lettuce? Everything you need to know

Ever since I was young, rabbits have held a special spot in my heart. The reason is that they are good at making friends, and they are easy to look after besides providing company. More so, bunnies are adorable cuddly little things that are so soft when you hold them close – it’s like holding ... Read more